Virtual Mediation


Virtual Mediation

Restorative justice and conflict resolution


Mediation gives you an opportunity to resolve problems and maintain your relationship.

You may win in court but your relationship will be over.

All you need is respect for those involved and a willingness to compromise.

We will use video applications to meet and save you time and money.

Family Dispute?

If you are seeking a divorce, we can mediate your case and prepare divorce documents.

Mediations are typically scheduled over several days so you are not rushed
into any decisions. You will develop a long-lasting agreement that is to the
benefit of the children and leaves both parents financially sound.

Landlord/Tenant Dispute?

If you and your landlord are not seeing eye to eye, let’s mediate. We can
resolve issues without going to court.

Neighbor Disputes?

Neighbors can be allies and build a safe and welcoming community.
If you have a disagreement with your neighbor, don’t let it fester.
Let’s mediate.


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